05 Januari, 2012

LIMBO v1.0r4 multi9 System Requirements

LIMBO v1.0r4 multi9 System Requirements

Genre : Arcade
Developer : Playdead
Publisher : Playdead

Limbo - Black, atmospheric game. Developer Playdead demonstrate their aestheticism - like a surly Eastern European cartoon

through the misted glass - with a special beauty and permanence. However, the true reason for the success of the game - this

is a departure from an emphasis solely on the schedule. True ingenuity thrives in the restrictions and strict and unforgiving

Limbo of the barrier itself. There were no color, no dialogue, at least the music, no splash, no health scale, nothing more.

However, we can just hang limitations and expect something out of it great. Throwing too much, you should use what's left

with maximum credibility. And it achieves this Limbo. The game seemed a step away from the glare of visual and aural debris

toward the creation of other feelings: feelings of magic, or, say, empathy and vulnerability.

Genre : Arcade

System requirements :
• OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
• Processor: 2 GHz
• Memory: 512MB
• Hard Disk Space: 150MB
• 5 years or younger.
• Video Card 64 MB
Integrated graphics and very low budget cards may not work.
Shader Model 3.0 required
• DirectX ®: 9.0c

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