06 Januari, 2013

Sword of the Stars II Enhanced Edition System Requirements

Sword of the Stars II Enhanced Edition System Requirements

Publisher : Paradox Interactive
Developer : Kerberos Productions

The Enhanced Edition contains Sword of the Stars II: The Lords of Winter and the first expansion, the End of Flesh.


Play as the Loa, with over 120 new ship sections and their own unique drive system – the Neutrino Pulse Gate
Over 25 additional technologies, including a new Cybernetic Tech Tree
10 new weapons and attacks to use in battle
New ship sections for the original six Factions, including 2 new Leviathan class vessels
2 new Independent Races to encounter, study and incorporate into your empire
New Random Encounters, a new Grand Menace, and new Star Maps
New Evacuation Mission, and Supplemental Mission system allowing players to focus on the Target or the Fleet
All Race DLCs: Suul’ka, Liir, Morrigi, Hiver, SolForce, Zuul and Tarka

System Requirements

Windows 7 64 bit,
Core2 Duo or equivalent,
2 GB free space ,
512-MB Graphic Card DirectX 10
Any Windows Vista compatible sound device,
stereo speakers or head phones,
DirectX February 2010 or newer (DX10)

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